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  • 100% Grass-fed 

  • mountain and pasture-raised

  • Never given growth hormones

  • Antibiotic-free

  • Locally raised

no growth promoting hormones

No growth Promoting Hormones

Hormones are another thing you may want to consider. Almost all cattle entering feedlots in the U.S. are given hormone implants to help them grow faster. "The first product used for this purpose ­ DES (diethylstilbestrol) ­ was approved for use in beef cattle in 1954. An estimated two-thirds of the nation's beef cattle were treated with DES in 1956." [1]


Today, there are six different steroids given to nearly all animals entering conventional beef feedlots in the U.S. and Canada:


* Three natural steroids (estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone), and 

* Three synthetic hormones (the estrogen compound zeranol, the androgen trenbolone acetate, and progestin melengestrol acetate).

Anabolic steroids are typically used in combinations. Measurable levels of all the above growth-promoting hormones are found at slaughter in the muscle, fat, liver, kidneys, and other organ meats. 


100% Grass Fed 

In the summer and fall seasons, our cows graze in the mountainous ranges of the Uinta mountains. Where fresh mountain spring water runs deep, lush green grass is plentiful, the sunlight is warm, and quaky and pine trees provide shade. In the winter, our cows are kept at our ranch in the Oakley, Utah valley, where we feed them pesticide-free hay that we spent the summer months growing and putting up ourselves. Health is a priority in our family, and that is why we choose to raise 100% grass-fed beef. 

 There are many health benefits to choosing grass-fed beef, some of them being;

  • It's naturally lean, contains few calories, and has lots of nutritional value. It contains a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including Carotenoids, B vitamins, vitamin D, and Iron.

  • Grass-fed cows have significantly high levels of Omega-3s.  Grass-fed beef also contains a high proportion of stearic acid, which does not raise blood cholesterol levels. Because of this higher proportion of stearic acid, our grass-fed beef also contains lower levels of palmitic acid and myristic acid, which unlike stearic acid, raise cholesterol levels. 

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is found naturally in beef. CLA is an excellent antioxidant, and research indicates that it might also help protect against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Grass-fed beef is one of the best sources of CLA. 

  • Antioxidants found in grass-fed beef are vitamin E, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. These antioxidants protect our cells from oxidation. 

  • Grass-fed beef also contains higher levels of beneficial nutrients, including zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. 


100% grass-fed
Locally Raised

Locally Raised

Did you know that just because beef packaging may have the USDA certified label on doesn’t necessarily mean the animal was even raised in the United States? It's possible that the animal was raised in the US but was then shipped clear to another country for packaging and then back to the US for sale. If this is the case, it's likely that the meat lost some of its nutrients during travel. With our locally raised beef, you can be confident in knowing that our meat is fresh and still holds all of its valuable nutrients.

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